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Light Gauge Steel Designs for Commercial, Institutional, Residential Projects
Engineered Trusses, Walls & Headers
Pre-Assembled Trusses, Walls & Headers
Framing & Installation

Light Gauge Steel Framing
- Buildings framed with cold-formed steel (CFS) can go up much faster than traditional heavy materials like concrete and masonry. Up to 3 months or more can be shaved off the schedule of a mid-rise project.
- CFS allows you to move paying customers in the door fast which can significantly change your financial model by shaving financing and other soft costs related to cycle time and by accelerating your revenue stream compared to heavy construction.
- Panelized construction used in the CFS industry for both commercial and residential construction can minimize rain, snow, excessive heat, and other weather delays.
- Panelized CFS construction can offer a much more predictable schedule than its competitors in the mid-rise market.